In order to put an end to disloyalty and infidelity between couples, Spanish matress company called Durmet has come up with a smart mattress that knows when someone else is in your bed. More crucially it can detect sex, that isn’t you, and alert you to the apparent adultery.
The smart mattress, dubbed Smartress, works by using 24 ultrasonic sensors, in conjunction with an algorithm, can detect the frequency and intensity of bouncing on its surface. It can then use its battery powered brain to send a message to the owner.
It’s smart enough to recognise the difference between someone sitting on the bed, say, and the real deal going down. So you shouldn’t get alerts every time the kids jump on the bed or when someone’s sitting in the bedroom.
According to the manufacturer, the mattress was created to deal with the apparently huge “Global Infidelity Crisis” problem of adultery in the Spain and world wild. The company slogan goes: “If your partner isn’t faithful, at least your mattress is.”
See The Matress That Detects Infidelity