A man named Friday Okeneji, who is a pastor of a popular church in Iwaro Oka Akoko, Akoko South-West Local Government Area of Ondo State, has been sentenced to two years in prison by an Ondo State Magistrates’ Court in Akure. The pastor was found guilty of stealing chemical substances worth N130,000 from a local shop on July 2, 2023.
During the court proceedings, the pastor admitted to the crime and pleaded guilty to the two-count charge of stealing. He explained that he committed the offense out of desperation to survive since he had no means of livelihood. He also mentioned that he needed to raise N150,000 for his mother’s burial scheduled for August.
Magistrate Damilola Sekoni, in delivering the verdict, affirmed the pastor’s guilt and sentenced him to two years in prison. However, an alternative option was provided for the pastor, allowing him to pay a fine of N100,000 instead of serving the prison term. The magistrate also offered words of advice to the convict, urging him to change his ways and embrace a new path.