Raheem Akingbolu reviews the new FirstBank’s corporate website and reckons that it would go a long way in strengthening the ability of the bank’s patrons and other potential customers in addressing basic banking operations.
Outside the physical identity of any brand, the most accessible door into operations of a company in today’s market is perhaps the website. With digital technology taking the lead in today’s business environment, website has swiftly become the virtual meeting point for sellers and buyers.
As a result of the fact that website can make or mar companies, depending on its message and aesthetic look, companies are now evolving every day to communicate their ideals through their websites. Today, having a website and an online presence give brand promoter opportunity to market their products online.
For the management of First Bank of Nigeria Limited, the new website represents the trending posture of the brand. In line with today’s business environment, the bank has continued to evolve and reposition to strengthening its operational skills. Though ageing, the FirstBank brand is ever young at heart. Through the website, First Bank has been able to present less cumbersome operations and by extension woos potential members of the public to join the FirstBank’s family.
Specifically, the website appears to have demystified online banking. Among other unique features, it allows self-registration of online banking; it makes provision for loan facility and encourages multiple transfers at once.
In a way, handlers of the FirstBank brand show through the friendly site that they are not ready to waste their customers’ time. They are aware that people don’t visit their website because they are looking for somewhere to spend their extra time. The promoters are quite aware that their customers simply want to get to things quickly and that is why the messages on the website speak to the specifics. Technically but smoothly, each category of the products displayed also parades key issues without confusing customers with irrelevant details.
Though an upgrade of the old one, the current website plays up features that are streamlined to reinforce its role in delivering seamless banking and technology solutions to its customers across the world.
The website is configured with modern design and improved functionality that eases customer experience whilst carrying out various activities on the site, including electronic banking. Non-customers are also able to open an account, putting them at an edge in the industry as they establish a relationship with the bank that puts its customers first.