An unidentified young adult male tragically lost his life in an early morning accident on Tuesday. The incident involved a truck, without a known registration number, which fell off Otedola Bridge along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. In response, authorities have advised motorists to consider alternative routes to avoid getting stuck in traffic.
According to Dr. Olufemi Oke-Osanyintolu, the Permanent Secretary of the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA), the accident occurred as the truck driver was descending from the Mobil filling station towards Otedola Bridge, trying to avoid a collision with another vehicle. Unfortunately, the driver lost control and crashed into the side of the bridge.
The truck’s driver compartment was left hanging from the bridge, and some of its cargo (wheat) spilled onto the road, blocking the entire route leading to Otedola Estate. Tragically, one of the truck’s occupants, a young adult male, fell off the bridge and lost his life. LASEMA has dispatched a crane to swiftly remove the obstruction from the scene.