Rev Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka, Spiritual Director of Catholic Adoration Ministry Chaplaincy, Enugu, yesterday, blessed and tendered an apology to the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Mr. Peter Obi and his supporters over his utterances against his person.
In a statement signed by him and made available, Mbaka said, “I am a servant of God and my intention is not to malign Peter Obi’s image, but to pray for him.”
“May God’s will be done in his life. I pray to God whom I serve to give our beloved people good and excellent leaders who will take care of them and lead them to the Promised Land.
“Anyone who God wishes to make our Leader is my choice. In this vein, I give my blessings to the supporters of His Excellency Peter Obi.
“In any way, they feel offended by my utterances or however I was misunderstood by them, I ask for their understanding and forgiveness. As a servant of the Most High God, I pray that it shall be well with my people. I am an ardent supporter of Good Governance, Justice, Equity, Love and Godliness,” he said.
Before his apology, yesterday, the Catholic Diocese of Enugu had dissociated itself from Mbaka’s utterances and described his actions as unbecoming and divisive.
The Diocese under the leadership of Most Rev. Callistus V. C. Onaga, in a statement, signed by the Chancellor/Secretary, Very Rev. Fr. Wilfred Chidi Agubuchie; Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr. Geoffrey Aguigwo and Auxiliary Bishop of Enugu, Most Rev. Ernest Anezichukwu Obodo, explained that Mbaka’s utterances are contrary to canon 220 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, which prohibits anyone from illegitimately harming the good name of a person.
According to the statement, it is also a violation of the provisions of Canon 287 and 2, which forbids priests from engaging in partisan politics.